Who we are

Impetus Cognitive Learning (ICL)


We aim to ignite development from within.

ICL has been delivering and developing training programs for over 30 years and operating across 18 countries.

Our goal is to develop an individual’s internal capital rather than external ability. We believe in the principle that personal transformation precedes profitability and productivity in business, government, and/or any sphere of influence.

ICL works through the application of evidence-based assessment tools which are then aligned with personal life goals and transferred to work and corporate visions. ICL aims to foster adaptive thoughts, feelings, and behaviours in order to align with personal and corporate visions.

We do this by making scientific models relatable and practical for everyday life.

What we can do

ICL works to strengthen capacity from within.

At ICL we support the belief that everybody’s values are different and ‘who you are’ is to be considered of value. Therefore, we adopt a strategy to embrace individuality, support a personal priority, and in turn develop a passion.

Do you want to see an increase in personal effectiveness? Person capital? To increase performance in personal or public life?

If you are looking for the satisfaction that moves beyond the boundaries of a simple working life. We can show you the way and strengthen the individual, which will overflow into all aspects of function, resulting in high productivity and high effectiveness.

Contact us to book a free consultation.


  • “Following the course I have gained the knowledge that I can dictate my own destiny by choosing to believe the truth of who I really am; and when old habits are overcome and the awakening happens, anything is possible!”

    A.M Lifestyle Coach & Designer